Monday, December 31, 2012

Time out for the parents..

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year but I always find myself truly exhausted afterwards!  This year was no exception.  So, when Greg's mom offered to take the kids for a few days, we jumped on it!  This meant some much needed rest for us and fun times with grandma for was a win-win.  Now, they have stayed with grandma before while hubby and I went to Dallas for the weekend...but this was for 3 nights.  Of course, the fact that they had several inches of fresh snow in Arkansas had them beyond excited!  They couldn't get there fast enough!!  Instead of going anywhere, Greg and I decided to just stay home and hang out for the next few days.  We haven't gotten to do that in over ten years...since Lauren was born.   It was WONDERFUL!  We stayed up late watching movies,  slept in late (which never happens because Tucker is such an early bird), had conversations without interruptions, went to dinner without worrying about how much the sitter was going to be, and just got to be lazy!  I actually feel rested for a change.  Of course, we missed the heck out of those three kiddos. We called them much more than they called us and Tucker actually wanted to stay another day.  They had a great time and so did we!  Below are a couple of pics of the boys building snowmen..

We also did a little baking while the kids were away.
Here is Greg baking cinnamon rolls from the Pioneer Woman cookbook that I got for Christmas....oh my, they were AMAZING!!!

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